42 criterion 75 wsp label
6.4 Ounces (Criterion 75WSP, Merit 75) [89442-11] - $32.95 ... Keystone Pest Solutions Imidacloprid 75WSP Insecticide - 6.4 Ounces (Criterion 75WSP, Merit 75) [89442-11] - Imidacloprid 75WSP - 6.4 Ounces Imidacloprid ... PDF Keystone Pest Solutions, Low price herbicides and pesticides Keystone Pest Solutions, Low price herbicides and pesticides
PDF Bayer Environmental Science Product Name CRITERION™75 WSP INSECTICIDE MSDS Number 102000007120 EPA Registration No. 432-1318 Bayer Environmental Science 2 T.W. Alexander Drive Research Triangle PK, NC 27709 USA For MEDICAL, TRANSPORTATION or other EMERGENCY call: 1-800-334-7577 (24 hours/day) For Product Information call: 1-800-331-2867 SECTION 2.
Criterion 75 wsp label
PDF Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide - DoMyOwn.com Supplemental Label Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide This supplemental label expires on September 13, 2014 and must not be used or distributed after this date. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read this label and the product package label before using this product. PDF CRITERION 75 WSP - davey.com Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide has been found to be compatible with commonly used fungicides, miticides, liquid fertilizers, and other commonly used insecticides. Check physical com - patibility using the correct proportion of products in a small jar test if local experience is unavailable. RESTRICTION:Do not apply through any irrigation system. Merit 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide 30 lbs | Forestry ... Criterion 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide, Generic for Merit by Bayer provides the industry's longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests - it interferes with nerve impulses and disrupts insect behavior.
Criterion 75 wsp label. PDF Criterion 75 WSP 1.6 oz 79240589J 161025AV2 leaflet 021619 Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide applications can be supplemented with residual sprays, bait placements or other ant control tactics to further reduce the pest population. ... It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry interval. Criterion 75 WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide, Generic Merit Criterion 75WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide provides the industry's longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding ... PDF POUCH IMPOSITION: OF CK A B P FIRST AID - LabelSDS (TO THE USER: If you cannot read or understand English, do not use this product until the label has been fully explained to you.) For MEDICAL And TRANSPORTATION Emergencies ONLY Call 24 Hours A Day 1-800-334-7577 For PRODUCT USE Information Call 1-800-331-2867 Refer to attached leaflet for complete Directions for Use and Precautionary Statements. Criterion 75 WSP Systemic Insecticide - Questions & Answers - DoMyOwn.com Mallet 75 WSP is no longer available as it has been discontinued by the manufacturer. We recommend Criterion 75 WSP which has the same active ingredient at the same concentration and pretty much the same label.You can apply Criterion as a soil drench to control aphids but it will take time to see the results as the tree has to trans-locate the product throughout the foliage which can take some ...
PDF Criterion 75 WSP 1.6 oz 79240589E 130116AV1 leaflet 020513 CRITERION 75 WSP Insecticide has been found to be compatible with commonly used fungicides, mi ticides, liquid fertilizers, and other commonly used insecticides. ... It also contains specific instructions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment (PPE) and restricted-entry inter - ... CRITERION™ 75 WSP - Organo-Lawn In case of emergency call toll free the Bayer Environmental Science Emergency Response Telephone No. 1-800-334-7577. Have a product container or label with you ... Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide | Bayer Environmental Science Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide Bayer Environmental Science Snapshot ID: 61276 Active ingredients Imidacloprid Classification 4A Insecticide Ovicide Larvicide WSSA mode of action Nicotinic Acetylchloline receptor agonists/antagonists Registration EPA: 432-1318 Pests Criterion 75 WSP Systemic Insecticide - Amazon.com Broad-spectrum systemic action · Outstanding preventive and curative control · Long residual activity · Usage rates up to 96% lower than many registered soil ...
Criterion 75 WSP Systemic Insecticide - DoMyOwn.com Criterion 75 water soluble packet (WSP) is a liquid insecticide concentrate which can be used at very low rates and applied as a foliar spray, soil broadcast spray, soil injection or soil drench to control grubs, weevils, and other soil and turf inhabiting pests. PDF DoMyOwn.com DoMyOwn.com Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide for Landscapes Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide consists of water-soluble packets, which contain 75 percent imidacloprid insecticide. This effective ingredient disrupts an insect's neural transmitters almost immediately. The insect can no longer function correctly and becomes paralyzed before dying. PDF Bayer Environmental Science CRITERION™ 75 WSP INSECTICIDE 4/11 Version 2 / USA Revision Date: 12/19/2013 102000007120 Print Date: 01/05/2017 SECTION 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE Precautions for safe handling Advice on safe handling Handle and open container in a manner as to prevent spillage. Use only in area provided with appropriate exhaust ventilation.
Criterion 75 WSP 79240589C 110913AV1 leaflet 082212 European Crane Fly Tipula paludosa; and mole crickets, Scapteriscus spp. CRITERION 75 WSP Insecticide can also be used for the suppression of cutworms and chinchbugs. The active ingredient in CRITERION 75 WSP Insecticide has sufficient residual activity so that applications can be made preceding the egg laying activity of the target pests. High ...
Criterion 75WSP Insecticide - 6.4 Ounces (Imidacloprid, Merit 75) Criterion 75WSP provides foliar and systemic insect control in turfgrass (including sod farms), landscape ornamentals, fruit and nut trees, and interior ...
Criterion 75 WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide (Merit 75 WSP), Bayer Quick overview Criterion 75WSP Insecticide a broad-spectrum insecticide for use on turf, ornamentals and crops. Active Ingredients: Imidacloprid 75.0% Insecticide Mode of Action: 4AInsecticide Class: Neonicotinoids EPA Signal Word: CAUTION / PRECAUCIONApplication Rate Range: (see label) Container Size(s): 4 x 1.6 Oz. WSP
Merit 75 WSP Insecticide - Environmental Protection Agency Oct 25, 2016 ... Should you wish to add/retain a reference to the company's website on your label, then please be aware that the website becomes labeling under ...
Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide - The Landscaper Store Criterion 75WSP Imidacloprid Insecticide is identical to Merit at a fraction of the price and is one of the most effective broad-spectrum insecticides for ...
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PDF Criterion 75 WSP 79240589D 110913AV2 leaflet 092512 - Amazon Web Services CRITERION 75 WSP Insecticide is a systemic product and will be translocated upward into the plant system from root uptake. To assure optimum effectiveness, the product must be placed where the growing portion of the target plant can absorb the active ingredient.
PDF SAFETY DATA SHEET CRITERION 75 WSP INSECTICIDE - LabelSDS Trade name CRITERION™ 75 WSP INSECTICIDE Product code (UVP) 04399455 SDS Number 102000007120 EPA Registration No. 432-1318 Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Use Insecticide Restrictions on use See product label for restrictions. Information on supplier
Merit 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide 30 lbs | Forestry ... Criterion 0.5 G Imidacloprid Granular Insecticide, Generic for Merit by Bayer provides the industry's longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests - it interferes with nerve impulses and disrupts insect behavior.
PDF CRITERION 75 WSP - davey.com Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide has been found to be compatible with commonly used fungicides, miticides, liquid fertilizers, and other commonly used insecticides. Check physical com - patibility using the correct proportion of products in a small jar test if local experience is unavailable. RESTRICTION:Do not apply through any irrigation system.
PDF Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide - DoMyOwn.com Supplemental Label Criterion 75 WSP Insecticide This supplemental label expires on September 13, 2014 and must not be used or distributed after this date. It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read this label and the product package label before using this product.
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